Like denying a paternity suit when the baby looks just like you, US Navy BRAC Environmental Coordinator Derek J. Robinson issued a statement published by the San Francisco Public Press in an article authored by award winning investigative journalist Chris Roberts, Toxic Metals Found in Shipyard Neighbors:
“The Navy conducts its ongoing clean-up efforts while simultaneously ensuring continued public safety…High levels of toxic elements could be explained by medical history, diet, immune status, genetics and hobbies, where they live, their occupation, place of work and other environmental factors.”–05/toxic-metals-found-in-shipyard-neighbors-but-source-still-unknown
The Hunters Point Community Biomonitoring Program is funded by the Packard Foundation and licensed by the Medical Board of California to offer comprehensive medical evaluations and urinary toxicology screenings using mass spectrometry for workers and residents within a one mile radius of the federal Superfund site at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. All urine tox screenings conducted, since the launch of HP Biomonitoring in January of 2019, have detected one or more elements in toxic concentrations documented to be present at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.
Robinson’s denial of the findings of shipyard soil elements in toxic concentrations in 30 residents and workers…